Some are born dirt poor. Others are born with a silver spoon. Cid Cascade had the privilege of being bred with a golden spoon laced with mercury.
He is eccentric. Brash. Ostentatious. A perfectionist prone to self-flagellation if the outcome of his efforts does not at LEAST exceed the unrealistic expectations he has set. With long and pointed ears that extend into his curly hair to poke out at the other end, his origins as an Aurien are all but confirmed. Glowing amarillo eyes put any lingering doubts to rest. More importantly, he is one of the brightest minds of this magical generation.
Dyslexic to the common written language, Cid sports a pair of enchanted glasses that cause the words written before him to swirl about into what he assumes is the proper order. Despite believing that time is a concept made by those who fear death, he keeps the pocket watch of his now-vanished Grand-Papa tied around his neck as an heirloom of sorts.
He is known as the Weavedoctor within Isegrad, a Captain over Research & Development.
He is eccentric. Brash. Ostentatious. A perfectionist prone to self-flagellation if the outcome of his efforts does not at LEAST exceed the unrealistic expectations he has set. With long and pointed ears that extend into his curly hair to poke out at the other end, his origins as an Aurien are all but confirmed. Glowing amarillo eyes put any lingering doubts to rest. More importantly, he is one of the brightest minds of this magical generation.

Dyslexic to the common written language, Cid sports a pair of enchanted glasses that cause the words written before him to swirl about into what he assumes is the proper order. Despite believing that time is a concept made by those who fear death, he keeps the pocket watch of his now-vanished Grand-Papa tied around his neck as an heirloom of sorts.
He is known as the Weavedoctor within Isegrad, a Captain over Research & Development.