Upon the petrifying facade of this disquieting individual was the mirroring of anguish. Their expressions remained indistinguishable and veiled as haunting hues stare at all those unfortunate.
Discordant maneuvers characterized their mercurial bearing, and was topped off by that imposingly towering height at roughly seven feet, or taller.
Dangling precariously from their neck was a weathered and disfigured pendant that depicting a dragon, and attached to their belt was a pouch lined with vials of a murky swirling vapor.

Discordant maneuvers characterized their mercurial bearing, and was topped off by that imposingly towering height at roughly seven feet, or taller.
Dangling precariously from their neck was a weathered and disfigured pendant that depicting a dragon, and attached to their belt was a pouch lined with vials of a murky swirling vapor.