The imposing figure of this drakanite commands attention, a testament to both his physical stature and the visible marks of his past. His towering height of 77 inches, coupled with scars etched into his skin, speaks volumes of a life entrenched in the tumultuous realm of Meranthe. Each scar tells a story, a testament to battles fought, victories earned, and hardships endured.

The sight of his expansive wings, adorned with raven feathers, adds an otherwoerldly aura to his presence. These wings, a stark contrast against the darkness they exude, seem to possess a life of their own, casting shadows that dance around him, creating an air of mystery and foreboding.

His expression mirrors his formidable exterior-- a look of disdain that seems to be reserved for those deemed 'unfamiliar'. It's a gaze that pierces through the unknown, a silent warning to those who dare approach without caution.