Beneath dark robes this entity stands, exuding an aura of clear decay
- its mere presence brings chills to the spine of those around and its appearance clearly
betrays what this being truly is, an undead, more specifically a Lich.
Such a being has an medium height, but a totally cadaverous appearance - devoid of any flesh in what was once his body. The thing that stands out most about him is the pair of etheric emerald flames that float in his eye socket - taking the place of what was once his eyes.

Around him there is always the presence of the undead servants, but also of something alien to this plane - an entity which does not appear to have a physical form, but which makes its presence clear through countless dissonant whispers that spread to every corner.
Such a being has an medium height, but a totally cadaverous appearance - devoid of any flesh in what was once his body. The thing that stands out most about him is the pair of etheric emerald flames that float in his eye socket - taking the place of what was once his eyes.

Around him there is always the presence of the undead servants, but also of something alien to this plane - an entity which does not appear to have a physical form, but which makes its presence clear through countless dissonant whispers that spread to every corner.